Brice de Nice is broken by the Paris Court
Attacked before the Paris Court, producers Brice de Nice were convicted of counterfeiting. However, they retain their domain name ...
The company's ready-to-wear Brice had decided to initiate a judicial action to establish a violation by producers Brice de Nice, the Brice mark by proposing to sell the t-shirt yellow film's central character. As noted
Me Martine Ricouart-Maillet (MRO Lawyers) "there is no question of opposing the use of a surname, as contended that company but whether in the context considered by the court, Brice had been used only as a name to designate an individual or as a trade mark for clothing in case of t-shirts. "
the field of counterfeiting by reproduction Brand "Brice" on t-shirts in question, the judges admitted infringement.
A different fate reserved the domain name
It is not even gone on the name field which, to be punishable on the grounds of the infringement, this time by imitation, requires establishing a risk confusion in the public mind.
However, it was estimated that the domain name must making reference to the film's main character, conviction for forgery was warranted in that case.