Dear everyone,
Firstly, I want to present you my best wishes and all my friends. This year the year 10 or at the height of your wishes. May 2010 bring you and all those you love: happiness, love, success in your endeavors human and professional but above all: health.
However, an important event that occurred January 12, 2010, I must respond strongly and thus alter the editorial inialement expected.
WOMAN sacrificed : for writing " At my age, I still hides to smoke."
Indeed, on January 12 last our friend and colleague Rayhana, Algerian playwright and actress because she has written on violence against women his country, religion, love physical and emotional, on integration, on the family, motherhood and her country. For all this, criminals have sprayed petrol in the obvious purpose of inflaming and kill him. This act is intolerable and must be condemned as it should by all.
for me, in my capacity as artistic director of "Cahiers authors' advocate (ever) of authors of today and tomorrow but also as a director / producer and director of a cultural center, it is my duty strongly condemn this act of barbarism.
I therefore immediately respond by filing in the Figaro my reaction to this crime. http://blog.lefigaro.fr/theatre/2010/01/
Below I bring to your attention the text that I sent to support our friend Rayhana and the press.
SUPPORT A WOMAN sacrificed:
" the vile physical aggression of our friend author Rayhana is unbearable. It is shocking, again, the reign of intolerance, the irresponsibility of some indulging in acts of another time ... Unfortunately, the climate SOCI al and policy can only advance this kind of attitude, cowardly and despicable.
For my part, as a defender of the authors of today and tomorrow and artistic director of "Cahiers authors" I can only meet its indignant acts of barbarism and support our colleague in his quest cries of denunciation of violence against women in her country and continue his fight against all injustices lowering the human to the level of humiliation.
Continue representations is indeed a strong means to resist and oppose peacefully in human head to the provocation of those shabby, cowardly and barbarous of all human feeling settled .
With all my affection, I embrace you Rayhana expensive. Patrice
PS: Already, I invite you to-Cahiers authors to Nantes, you will be my way of practical support and to inform the general public your writing and your battles.
Dear friends, I invite you to join the group "SUPPORT A WOMAN sacrificed" on facebook and leave your messages of support. If you do not have the opportunity to go on facebook but you want to express, you can file your support in my mail:
I'll send mesages support Rayhana personally. Thank you in advance to work together to defeat the barbaric acts of savage murderers. That obscurantism, dictatorships of any kind can never be an obstacle to our freedoms and our democracy.
Long live freedom and our human radiation. With all my friendship
to you soon Patrice Scabbard