Now this blog will be dedicated to my commitment to Nantes, my hometown, . I particularly want to work for a real opposition Nantes and real local democracy ...
" M OVEMENT N antais of O pposition M unicipal "
Launch Official
This launch will be performed in January 2011 at the Theatre du Sphinx , 9 rue Monteil in Nantes. On this occasion, or the press will be invited, I am also pleased to invite all Nantaises Nantais and all this formal presentation.
During this launch, will be developed and motivations for this initiative, but also the course objectives and the functioning and organization of the opposition movement.
I will remain available to answer your questions about the cup of friendship to the end of this presentation.
You can now post your comments in my mail "patricefourreau@hotmail.fr" it will be published in "readers expressed" site " M OVEMENT N antais of O pposition M unicipal " viewable by everyone .. . Be in the action!
I count on your presence,
friendship and very soon,
Patrice scabbard.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ During this launch, will be developed and motivations for this initiative, but also the course objectives and the functioning and organization of the opposition movement.
I will remain available to answer your questions about the cup of friendship to the end of this presentation.
You can now post your comments in my mail "patricefourreau@hotmail.fr" it will be published in "readers expressed" site " M OVEMENT N antais of O pposition M unicipal " viewable by everyone .. . Be in the action!
I count on your presence,
friendship and very soon,
Patrice scabbard.
My letter to Nantes and Nantes,
Nantes November 30, 2010,
Dear Nantaises and Nantes,
Dear Nantaises and Nantes,
All First and foremost I want to thank you warmly and sincerely for your expressions of sympathy and encouragement during my heart attack.
As you know, I 'm were engaged to be present and active in the field to maturity City of Nantes (2008). Unfortunately my myocardial October 17, 2007 (quintuple bypass) has thwarted my ambition to be an active partner, facing the candidates for mayor of Nantes.
Today, having found health and strength (thanks to my doctors, my surgeon and my entourage), I decided to be more than ever committed in my hometown.
This decision is the result of an observation: that of a municipal campaign confirms to me once again (since re-election in 2008 Mr. JM Ayrault) the virtual absence of a real opposition Nantes, not surprisingly, as our mayor (Jean-Marc Ayrault) retains its hold on our city of the Dukes, for a fourth consecutive term ...
One of my questions ... 24 years as head of the city, is it good for democracy?
Although it may be, I think urgent that a popular movement and decided to get up to prepare for the future and thereby enable the citizens of Nantes to have a better look at managing their Town and concrete weigh on the decisions of our elected officials.
Accordingly, I propose, create and organize an opposition movement municipal, derived from the will of Nantes and Nantes.
This movement will be called: M OVEMENT N antais of O pposition M unicipal , will as one of its missions, to be present in the core areas of the city, including: culture , the economy , environmental , social, urban , and the "express the Nantes ".
Do not hesitate Nantes dear friends, let me know your reactions, to give your comments and suggestions to achieve and entrench whole idea of this popular movement. Remind us that the republic must be, above all, power to the citizens ... elected officials are representing the people in institutions and guarantor of the constitution ... not to forget ever
With all my sympathy and friendship,
Patrice scabbard.
Phone: 06 64 89 22 16
EMAIL: patricefourreau@hotmail.fr
PS: If you want to join the movement, contact us in the email above. Thank you.
As you know, I 'm were engaged to be present and active in the field to maturity City of Nantes (2008). Unfortunately my myocardial October 17, 2007 (quintuple bypass) has thwarted my ambition to be an active partner, facing the candidates for mayor of Nantes.
Today, having found health and strength (thanks to my doctors, my surgeon and my entourage), I decided to be more than ever committed in my hometown.
This decision is the result of an observation: that of a municipal campaign confirms to me once again (since re-election in 2008 Mr. JM Ayrault) the virtual absence of a real opposition Nantes, not surprisingly, as our mayor (Jean-Marc Ayrault) retains its hold on our city of the Dukes, for a fourth consecutive term ...
One of my questions ... 24 years as head of the city, is it good for democracy?
Although it may be, I think urgent that a popular movement and decided to get up to prepare for the future and thereby enable the citizens of Nantes to have a better look at managing their Town and concrete weigh on the decisions of our elected officials.
Accordingly, I propose, create and organize an opposition movement municipal, derived from the will of Nantes and Nantes.
This movement will be called: M OVEMENT N antais of O pposition M unicipal , will as one of its missions, to be present in the core areas of the city, including: culture , the economy , environmental , social, urban , and the "express the Nantes ".
Do not hesitate Nantes dear friends, let me know your reactions, to give your comments and suggestions to achieve and entrench whole idea of this popular movement. Remind us that the republic must be, above all, power to the citizens ... elected officials are representing the people in institutions and guarantor of the constitution ... not to forget ever
With all my sympathy and friendship,
Patrice scabbard.
Phone: 06 64 89 22 16
EMAIL: patricefourreau@hotmail.fr
PS: If you want to join the movement, contact us in the email above. Thank you.
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